Bogor Declaration

  1. Tropical inland waters are important because of their characteristics, biodiversity, high socio-economic potential and cultural significance. They offer a myriad of advantages for the Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) communities.
  2. There is an urgent need to reconsider the value of inland aquatic ecosystem and gain a better understanding of ecosystem processes to inform the formulation of sound policies and the development of effective sustainable management strategies.
  3. Collaborative research, networking and capacity building, nationally and internationally, should be strongly pursued to increase knowledge and promote the sharing of experiences in managing inland waters.
  4. Pollution, siltation, sedimentation, eutrophication, biodiversity loss and invasive alien species are common problems in tropical inland waters that reduce the value of ecosystem goods and services.
  5. It is the responsibility of all stakeholders to be involved in the prevention and mitigation of these problems.
  6. Local wisdom can play an important role in inland water
  7. The young generation and the general public should be made aware of the importance of aquatic ecosystems and undertake actions to clean their inland waters and maintain healthy environments
  8. The Southeast Asian Limnological Network (SealNet) will establish a community of practioners in the field of integrated lake basin management to promote cooperation, information exchange and knowledge mining to improve inland water management in tropical regions
  9. The Research Centre for Limnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), as the secretariat of SealNet, will develop an accessible ASEAN limnological database with local and international institutions.
Bogor Declaration – International Conference on Tropical Limnology 2019

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